Stray Dogs

Release Date: 2020-12-04
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Stray Dogs

The idea for “Stray Dogs” was to revisit older songs that I felt I had abandoned over the last years. Songs that had slipped from set lists for one reason or other and left to fend for themselves in deeper obscurity than their better-loved siblings.

I rounded up these stray dogs in the month of November in the year of the Pandemic and recorded them simply and directly at my home studio over a three day period. It took a little time to find my way into some of these songs again… I altered some lines here and there, dropped the key of one song, and came at many of them from a different angle than on the original recordings. As the saying goes, a man never steps in the same river twice.

It’s been both nostalgic and fun to revisit these songs and over all I think they’ve held up pretty well over the years. There is one new and previously unreleased song on here called “Daughter”.

I hope you enjoy listening and that these old dogs can be companions to you as they have been to me.


released December 4, 2020

Recorded at Oldtown Studios, Westmeath, Ireland, November 2020 using a Universal Audio Apollo Twin x , Cubase, an Aston Spirit microphone and a Shure sm 57

Peter played Santa Cruz Guitars (1929 & Vintage Artist) and a Bourgeois Slope D.

Recorded / Mixed / Mastered by Peter Doran